Often an item that is thought to be of little value can turn out to be the opposite. You may be downsizing, clearing an entire property or having a change in style, we’re here to help.
Whether you are a private individual, or a solicitor acting for a client, we will arrange a free initial appointment to attend the property, assess the contents and provide our advice.
Our small family team handles your items throughout the process. Typically, higher valuer items are packaged and removed first, followed by lesser and lesser items until complete. Depending on the level of clearance, some items may not be suitable for auction, and we can also assist with waste disposal.
Clearing a property or downsizing, can be a daunting task. Often items are seen as clutter and can be removed in haste. However, often we aim to group items together that whilst on their own may be difficult to sell, will go together to make an attractive lot.
Unsold lots and items will generally go to the off-line sale.
Steps to a hassle-free house clearance:
• A free initial appointment by an auctioneer / valuer to advise you of the best way forward
• The removal and transportation of saleable goods to our offices for valuation and cataloguing
• The removal and donation of items with less value to charity (where applicable)
• The removal of unsaleable items to appropriate waste disposal sites